Currently there yes again typical cold weather. Of course I'm particularly keen on a cold to avoid because I do not want to infect my little daughter. Due to the current cold wave even some relatives have not even get the little mouse to face, even though she is already almost seven weeks old. But colds people I say currently but rather starting to take any risks.
But how do I protect myself against the cold viruses? Especially in pregnancy I wanted to avoid a cold, because you must take medication only under certain circumstances. Even decongestant nasal sprays should be used, with the doctor only after consultation. With simple home remedies can be a cold in its early stages but fight relatively well. Here it is in my experience to know that you really against it happening in the first small signs. If the cold once there, it takes known one week until it subsided.
Erkältungs Tip 1: Ginger
Ginger tea I drink in winter anyway very much, but no later than for the prevention of a cold I resort to this tried and tested home remedies. Ginger contains volatile oils and pungent materials, known as gingerol and Shogaolen. He warms from the inside and, when combined with a freshly squeezed lemon also a lot of vitamin C. With a spoon of honey it tastes the same even better. You should definitely make sure to drink a lot.Whether water or tea.
Erkältungs Tip 2: Getting enough sleep
If I realize that I ausbrüte something I take care particularly much to sleep. Sleep deprivation would weaken the immune system now additionally and the virus had free rein. Also I prefer the bed to warm socks. The heat helps the body to fight the virus.
Erkältungs Tip 3: Gargle with salt water
This tip I once received from my GP and it really helps! The first scratchy throat I apply a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it. I do this several times a day and was thus already put to flight the one or other sore throat before they were worse. The salt water acts as a disinfectant and can decongest the mucous membranes. In addition, keep the neck warm with a scarf.
Erkältungs Tip 4: Nasal Irrigation
Might sound first disgusting to some, but is very effective: a nasal douche. I've already done a Winter complete without cold, as I have done regularly at the slightest sign a nasal douche. Man used for special salt, which can be bought for the same nasal douche in the appropriate sachets. It flushes out the virus from the nose. Even for people with allergies, it is very convenient because you dirt and pollen also gets rid of the same. It also helps to dry mucous membranes, which indeed make a winter known particularly susceptible to pathogens. It might seem a bit daunting at first, but it helps and I've been doing this for many years like that. If the nose but less shut because the mucous membranes are very swollen to, this tip does not work so well. So do not hesitate too long and start at the first cold symptoms so.
Erkältungs Tip 5: Zinc
I notice that paves a cold, I take a zinc tablet. That might also have a placebo effect, since the studies of this is somewhat divided. It is believed that zinc can reduce the duration and severity of a cold, when you start taking within 24 hours after the first signs. In the long run I would but the tablets must not be put, as a healthy diet can not be replaced by tablets.
If the cold is because
If the rhinitis Once there, you should not hesitate to resort to a nasal spray. I have exercised and later bitterly regretted. I displaced the cold and this ultimately caused a nasty sinusitis. So that it does not get that far, you can first of all try using seawater nasal spray, clean the nose and moisturize.
In the following video of OTRIVEN more home remedies still be called the common cold such as inhalations.But how actually function seawater nasal sprays like OTRIVEN seawater with eucalyptus at all? The trick is osmosis. The different salt concentration in the nasal mucosa and the seawater nasal spray to a concentration gradient builds on what the swollen nasal mucosa extracts excess watery secretion. The nasal mucosa can thus decongest naturally again. Thus, the osmotic work requires a higher salt concentration (2.2%), as found in OTRIVEN nasal spray. Conventional saline nasal sprays sometimes only have a salt content of 0.9%. The essential oils of eucalyptus leaves have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.
Does that, however, does not, you should not hesitate in my experience better and access to decongestant nasal sprays. However, these should not be used too often and for too long, because in contrast to seawater nasal sprays a habituation effect can occur.
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