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Mama Monday everyday with baby
For seven weeks, the little mouse is now with us and has made ​​our lives neatly on the head. Today there is a little insight into my everyday life with the baby . How do you feel as a new mom? Admittedly, until now pretty awesome! I know that this can be changed anytime again and at the latest when the first tooth or the next leap forward this rest will probably be over. Until then, I try to time as much as possible to enjoy.

Everyday life with the baby

Since one week I am during the day alone with her because my husband goes to work after his parents' time. I had added a few concerns about whether I could do the whole thing alone. So far we were able to share our work and it felt a little like vacation because we were both at home. When I fell exhausted in the evening at nine clock to bed or even wanted to put in a nap, this was not a problem. But behold, until now everything works perfectly. Even though I sometimes until noon come for breakfast. The own needs you will suddenly automatically back without thinking about it. Wrap feed, walks ... so slowly developed a routine.

My body belongs to me again no more, my time

The first two weeks of pregnancy I felt added quite overwhelmed because I have not been back physically easy to give. Luckily my husband had parental leave and could take over many tasks. Since I have recovered and am back physically at the height, I feel the challenges as a new mom well prepared. I'm fit as much longer. Towards the end of pregnancy, everything was very cumbersome. I slept badly and was exhausted.But now my body belongs to me alone again! I need at night no longer constantly to the toilet, because the little one pushes on the bladder. I can again sleep on your stomach and turn me without effort from left to right. My feet are no longer swollen and I can travel long distances on foot back. Although the nights are now shorter, I feel as if I could uproot trees. This may certainly be because that I no longer suffer from iron deficiency. This I did not get even with tablets in pregnancy properly under control.
But my body is no longer like once again be mine, my time. I can not decide how I spend the day, but the baby determined the process and structures. I remember back to New Year's Eve. We did the usual raclette.Whenever an pans was ready and we wanted to eat the Little spoke up, called for an attention or was hungry.Leisurely meal as before is suddenly no longer there. It is aimed in his daily routine after the baby and who has heard shouting a hungry baby already knows that at this moment is one of only breastfeeding this need.

The growing maternal feelings

Since the baby is awake longer during the day, everything is a bit more strenuous again. For the interactions are becoming more and if there is a small, first smile flits across her face, all the effort is forgotten. I am glad about every leap, she makes. They say for babies there is nothing more fascinating than the faces of the parents. Since it was a bit frustrating that she would rather stare at the wall or the lamp the first few weeks than me. Meanwhile, they can better fix her eyes already and looks at me expectantly and sometimes demanding. That would be the mother's heart.

Out must be

Of course there are also those days when everything grows me over the head. But these go thankfully over.And if need be I will turn the evening my husband in my arms and say that I now sometimes need a break.Even walking in the fresh air will do well. How good that the baby anyway to go out there every day.Sometimes I feel that this advice is well thought secretly for the moms, so they are not the ceiling falls on the head and you can breathe again.
Mama Monday everyday with the baby
So far I'm very happy how easy runs everything and knows this much appreciated. Also, I know that it probably will not last forever and I'm already looking forward to the next few weeks.
I hope you enjoyed my little insight into the everyday life with the baby. I am happy to report in a few weeks again how it goes and what has changed so far.
The images were of Lizzily Kids & Family Photography created.

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