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Top 10 Mood Food against the winter blues serotonin endorphins
Today the → Tasty Tuesday there in collaboration with NU3 a contribution on Mood Food . And also matching a delicious recipe for healthy chili mousse au chocolat . Who does not know it? If in winter the weather is just dull and gray, the sun still leaves look almost and we prefer to stay inside our Inside the warm, drops quickly once the mood. The cause is the lack of daylight. But good humor can help with the right menu on the jumps. 

Top 10 Mood Foods

Top 10 Mood Foods

Select the right foods: Tryptophan

But how is it that some foods boost your mood? Responsible is the neurotransmitter serotonin , which is also called hormone of happiness. But this can not overcome the blood-brain barrier, so it does not bring much to consume foods that contain very much serotonin. 
The solution is called tryptophan . It is an essential amino acid, a precursor to serotonin. This can overcome the blood-brain barrier and be converted to the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. 
Foods that are rich in tryptophan, among the so-called Mood Foods that should have a positive effect on mood. 
Here is the top 10 Mood Foods:
  1. Chili
  2. ginger
  3. Dark chocolate
  4. Vanilla
  5. bananas
  6. Datteln
  7. berries
  8. Cashewkerne
  9. figs
  10. Ernüsse
Top 10 Mood Foods Dark Chocolate Chili
In the front ranks is the chili. Its natural hot substance capsaicin gets the circulation going and makes sure that our brain secretes endorphins. These endorphins contribute to the relaxation and positive mood.Similarly, to even the ginger, the gingerol the endorphins a brain.
Top 10 Mood Foods Vanille Beeren
Top 10 Mood Foods figs banana ginger
Top 10 Mood Foods Datteln Cashewkerne

Rezept: Healthy Chili Mousse au Chocolat

Fast simple recipe Healthy Chili Mousse au Chocolat
Since chocolate is the mother happy, but unfortunately also with neat calories proposes to beech, today there is a recipe for a healthy Mousse au Chocolat. It contains lots of happy-maker as ingredients and healthy.Calories default, it suggests even neat to (after all, are two avocados contain), but these are not to empty calories. Rich in nutrients and Mood Food ingredients it tastes really delicious and lifts the spirits.
Recipe: Healthy Chili Mousse au Chocolat Ingredients NU3
The right ingredients I of → NU3 , Germany's leading provider when it comes to healthy, intelligent nutrition and a conscious lifestyle. NU3 employs a team of nutritionists, sports scientists, Pharamzeuten and doctors who are constantly looking for new quality products and innovative nutrients. These you can buy in the online shop, where besides the foods and superfoods also plenty of natural cosmetics of different brands.
The recipe comes from the → NU3 eBook .


Rezept Healthy Chili Mousse au Chocolat


  • First you have the dates for 30 minutes to soak in water.
  • In the meantime, you best be solved with a big spoon the pulp of the avocado out and chops ever the dark chocolate.
  • Then you give the dates, the avocado and the cocoa nibs in a blender and pureed everything fine.Incidentally, I have taken a hand blender, which also works well.
  • If the ground is too hard, give just a little from the soaking water to dates.
  • Then comes the mass nor the cocoa powder, chili, coconut blossom sugar and vanilla powder. Again everything puree well.
  • Now it is already on the sideboards. Spread the mass on small bowls and garnish it with the chopped chocolate. Place the jars for at least two hours in the refrigerator.
  • Depending on how large your glasses are, the results about two to four glasses delicious chili mousse au chocolat :-)
Fast simple recipe Healthy Chili Mousse au Chocolat with avocado chili Datteln

Superfood: Cocoa Nibs & raw cocoa powder

Cocoa Nibs and Raw cocoa powder
Cocoa Nibs,
If you're wondering what Cocoa Nibs are, here's the answer. I knew it beforehand namely not 😉cocoa nibs consist of raw crushed cocoa beans and have a sour-sweet taste. They are a healthy and tasty alternative to chocolate and can be used for example for recipes or as an ingredient in muesli or yoghurt. 
Raw cocoa contains a lot of magnesium, calcium and ensures the production of endorphins. It increases the level of serotonin in the brain and stimulates the release of endorphins. In conventional chocolate products healthy cocoa bean no longer possesses the nutritional content of a fresh and raw cocoa beans, as they are roasted at high temperatures. The raw cocoa beans in the processed product, the more nutrients it contains.  

Was ist Kokosblütenzucker?

Kokosblüttenzucker is obtained from the nectar of the coconut flower and heated moderately, so that a syrup and then ensteht a crystalline consistency resulted. Coconut blossom sugar has a low glycemic index and is therefore also suitable for diabetics. He, incidentally, does not taste slightly of coconut, but similar as brown sugar caramel. One can wonderfully use it to sweeten coffee, tea or cocoa, or as in this recipe for baking or cooking.
I hope you enjoyed my Tasty Tuesday post about Mood Food and the recipe for chili mousse au chocolat! If her she should try, let me to know how it tasted you!

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