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By 10:29

Advent Calendar door # 18 with Amitié Céleste
Today opens the 18th door of my Fashion Blog Advent calendar and I am glad that you drop by again! What is a true classic among the Christmas gifts? Exactly, jewelry! Whether for your sweetheart, your best friend or mother. With jewelry you can always make a pleasure. I am very pleased that I can surprise you with a great jewelry set today. The violet-bordeaux shimmering gemstones are a great eye catcher and I hope you liked it as much as I.

Friendship heavenly Schmuck

Friendship heavenly Schmuck
Amitié céleste  translates to "Heavenly Friendship" and is handmade, bespoke jewelery with attention to detail and high-quality, exclusive materials. The jewelry is from →  Ungeschminkt Miss customized, whose blog certainly knows her. Nana lives with her ​​husband in Berlin and is an absolute cosmetics junkie. Your creativity it shows not only her blog, but also their passion for Handmade.
Friendship heavenly Schmuck
In →  Amitié céleste  obtained a personal unique item. The selection of bracelets, earrings, neck and ankle chains, rings and accessories is large. There are, for example, pretty baptismal and birth bracelets, name bracelets or earrings Swarovski. So if you still looking for a suitable Christmas gift is, should something browse in the shop and be inspired. About the → request form can request custom sizes or productions.
Friendship heavenly Schmuck
But Amitié céleste is not their only online store, because her love for a handmade Nana had already establishing of → The Sparkle causes where you can buy great room fragrances such as melts, scented wax tablets or room sprays. The melts are produced from organic soy wax and dyed with vegetable colors. On sustainability here much importance is attached.
heavenly friendship
  • Handmade and customized jewelry
  • From 30 € Free shipping within Germany
  • Learn more in the →  Online Shop


Sweepstakes Amitié céleste jewelry
Nana gave me a great jewelery worth around 45 €  together for you! There are three pieces from the current fall collection 2015 a bound cabochon stone in a fashionable shimmering violet Bordeaux . Under Cabochon is understood the way a unfaceted, round or oval gem stone, wherein the upper surface is convex. The rings are the way open back and can be adjusted by bending the respective finger width.
  • Cabochon Earrings "Shimmering Grape" (8.90 €)
  • Cabochon-Ring „Shimmering Grape“ rund (9,90€)
  • Cabochon-Ring „Shimmering Grape“ oval (8,90€)
  • Cabochon-Armand „Shimmering Grape“ rund (16,90€)
Sweepstakes Amitié céleste jewelry
Sweepstakes Amitié céleste jewelry
If you want to win, simply answer the following question in a comment and confirm your participation in Rafflecopter. Good luck:-)
"Is there a piece of jewelry with you join a very special memory?"

conditions of participation

  • Participation up to and including Sunday,  12/27/2015.
  • You are or will  readers  of my blog.
  • You are at least  18 years  of age or have in case of winning a consent of your parents ready.
  • You have a  residence  in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.
  • Participation on the  Rafflecopter  widget. Please Pay attention, that you present your comments signs with the same name you used for Rafflecopter. Otherwise I can not identify you.
  • Only one entry per person, no anonymous comments.
  • All winners will then be drawn together and be notified by mail. If the winner does not within 7 days is paired once again. Those who do not regularly checks his mails or want to make my work easier, can his  address  also enter directly into Rafflecopter. 
  • There will be no separate blog post about the winners but displayed per contribution / the winners in Rafflecopter with their nickname.
  • The decision is final, I assume no liability and warranty and profits can not be exchanged for cash.

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