The first eight weeks with baby are rum. The time flew by! And it is how quickly change remarkably little. If I compare the photos of the first day with today it has already become quite plump and cuddly. She has also risen quite substantially in weight. Overall, about two kilos in eight weeks. Even the everyday with baby has been well established, and it always works better. Change diapers works already experienced, we do almost every day for a walk in the fresh air and the nights are again relaxing because it is already asleep many hours straight. Today there are 8 my findings that I have collected over the 8 weeks baby. These are to be understood in part with a wink.
8 weeks Baby / 8 findings:
- Babypupse can pretty smelly.
- The birth was much more strenuous (you could also say "worse") than I had imagined it before. And no: thereafter was not immediately forgotten everything.
- Maternal feelings grow with time.
- Even after 8 weeks with Baby I can not interpret correctly always crying.
- The vollgekackte diaper can to back run high.
- Babies like to stare at the walls. Or the chair. And lamps. Especially lamps!
- I know the texts of children's songs (not more).
- Babies fingernails grow rapidly.
The sweet Milestone Cards way, I have here * ordered for only € 7.99. I'm glad that I've gained, since it makes you motivated to take pictures regularly. And not just fast which snapped the cell phone camera. My problem with cell phone photos is namely that they stagnate anywhere in the phone memory and no longer are often looked at. Of course, these are also convenient because they can be divided on Whatsapp quickly. But photos on the memory card of the camera're something else again. I work the best photos yet by and sort them equal so that I find them quickly for future albums.
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